Webinars for individuals

In the webinars you can deepen selected topics of your accompanying processes.

All webinars are an integral part of your process, which is why we are happy to make them available to you with the rest of the content on the ProMove TM platform.

Are you not yet a customer of ours but would still like to have access to the webinars? Contact us without obligation: info@promovetm.com.

Resilience – regaining one’s strength

Professional life today is full of uncertainty. Markets change, companies merge, one restructuring is followed by another, bosses change every couple of months. These developments engender uncertainty and can contribute to staff losing their own balance. It is therefore all the more important to remain grounded and resilient.

Experts and leaders can get to know themselves better in this webinar. They will find out what they need to be rooted and to deal better with uncertainty in their professional lives. They will learn methods for combating stress proactively and not allowing their stress levels to rise in the first place.

Understanding the employment market

80% of jobs are created on the hidden market. How do I access this market? How do I “make” myself a new job?

In this webinar you will become familiar with the employment market from so far unexpected perspectives and discover that your potential is far greater than you previously expected.

Defining efficient targets

Where can and should my professional development take me? What do I need for this? What training and development lends itself to this? And what kind of added value will I create on the market as a result?

In this webinar, based on those things that you are good at and your aspirations, you will learn how to package your potential into a “marketable offer”.

Preparing effective application documents

You need meaningful and convincing documents to be able to recommend yourself on the market.

In this webinar, you will learn to present your goals and successes in writing. You will prepare an effective document folder, which you will be able – as required – to use successfully with decision-makers of your choice.

Networking: Winning people over

Not everybody finds networking equally easy: While it is a matter of course for one person to exchange views on apparently essential subjects with the right people at the right time, another person will view networking as small talk and a waste of time. However, it is an undisputed fact that effective networking will create prospects.

Everybody can discover the art of networking at this workshop. Selling oneself without having to sell oneself: experts and leaders will learn how to extend their network purposefully and to make better use of it for themselves and their employer.

Convincing in interviews

The interview is the most important part of any professional opening of perspectives. This is where it will be decided whether all your preparations bear fruit or not. An interview is not a succession of questions and answers. An interview is a dialogue that people can actively help to shape. It is a matter of asking the right questions and communicating suitable messages in such a way that they reach the recipient.

In this webinar, you will learn how to include your statements briefly and concisely – but effectively – in an interview.

Alternative career paths

Traditional employment in your previous area of activity is only one option available for professional development. Would you like to change career? Or do more project work? How realistic is (part-time) self-employment?

In this webinar, you will learn how to make alternative forms of career work for you.

As a ProMove customer, you can view all webinars here:

Please note that access is password protected.

If you wish to access the webinars, please contact our administration.



Die Neuorientierung als Chance und spannenden Perspektivenwechsel sehen

Mir wurde an den promove-Workshops eine andere Denkweise in Bezug Arbeitsmarktsituation eröffnet: vom Stellensuchender zum Anbieter einer Leistung.

Meine Haltung und Einstellung, die Neuorientierung als Chance und spannenden Perspektivenwechsel zu sehen, wurde mir an den wöchentlichen, jeweils sehr interessanten und kurzweiligen Workshops, bestätigt und ich wurde dabei zum dranbleiben bestärkt/motiviert.

Mario Salerno

Die Ratschläge und Rückmeldungen haben mir geholfen meine Stärke zu finden

Mir haben die Workshops sehr gefallen. Die Ratschläge und Rückmeldungen haben mir geholfen meine Stärke zu finden, zu wissen wo und wie ich mich verbessern kann. Ich fand es auch gut, dass man beobachten konnte wie es richtig machen sollte eine neue Stelle zu suchen. Ich fand es grundsätzlich sehr gut, dass wir so oft selber aktiv seien konnten und visualisiert haben. Die Klaren Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen haben dabei super unterstützt. Das Tempo und die Atmosphäre habe ich als sehr angenehm empfunden. Zusätzlich habe ich die interessante Gespräche in der Pause sehr geschätzt.

Brunello Belletti

Hat mich fit für die Zukunft gemacht

Nach der Schliessung des Firmenstandorts, an dem ich für über 14 Jahre tätig war, wurde mir die Möglichkeit geboten, an einem Outplacement- Programm der ProMoveTM teilzunehmen. Die Gespräche mit Michèle Schwarz-Rellstab als persönlichem Coach sowie die Workshops waren eine wertvolle Bereicherung. In den Workshops lernt man Leute kennen, die in derselben Situation sind und kann sich darüber austauschen, wie man damit umgeht. In den persönlichen Coachings konnte ich mein Selbstbild stärken und meine Bewerbungsstrategie verfeinern. Mein Coach hat es sehr gut verstanden, die von mir gemiedenen Themen und Punkten anzusprechen. Dies hat mein nach der Entlassung angeschlagenes Selbstbild nachhaltig gestärkt und mich «fit» für die Zukunft gemacht.

Florian Vožeh - Konfigurationsmanager, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen

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