Feedback – Feedforward

Feedforward is a process that allows a team to strengthen for the future.Feedforward offers several advantages over traditional feedback. In feedback, a feedback giver projects his opinion onto a receiver, to which the receiver reacts subjectively on the basis of his basic assumptions. In this respect, feedback hardly ever achieves the result desired by the feedback giver. Feedforward involves all parties equally in the development process. In Feedforward, the sender himself decides what he wants to be measured on and builds up the process together with people from whom he wants support. The person to be observed tells an observer what he would like to be observed in the future and asks for his suggestions for improvement. He thanks the observer for the answer and asks for further attentive observation of this one fact.


Make your own change request for yourself to the people you trust. You will see what group dynamics you will ignite! And if you do this, you may also expect this from others.


(by the observer) 
(by the observee) 
Clarify readiness with the person observed A person declares his/her own wish to progress
Make sure that it’s confident Ask others for help, ideas etc.
No judgement Listen carefully
Formulate your own perception Thank
As precise as possible  
The person observed can’t influence it any more The person observed can influence it
The accountability for the progress is transferred to the person observed The accountability is shared
It’s about the past It’s about the future
The observer projects his perception onto another person. The person wants to progress him/herself and asks a third person for help
Impact: ?Impact: Positive


Goldsmith, M. (2008):
What got you here won’t get you there. How successful people become even more successful! London, profile books.

Kres, M. (2017): Mutmacher: Unternehmen stärken durch mutige Führung. 3. Aufl. Wiesbaden, SpringerGabler. S. 87.