Inner attitude

If you want to successfully overcome resistance, you have to be aware of your own inner attitude. We cannot expect to successfully resolve a tension if we want to impose our opinion on someone. It is just as unlikely to assume that someone will change in our favor. Successful conflict management only works at eye level. The inner attitude thus forms the basis for success. It is crucial to be clear about your own expression in order to work out effective strategies for conflict resolution. Download the worksheet below and see how you are most likely to act in practice.

Currently only available in German. English follows soon. (PDF, 135 kb)


Discuss the four fields with your employees. The scheme helps employees to understand why tensions arise. Especially the tension between expressions in the +- and ++ – area are a topic that always causes astonishment – but also creates understanding for situations. The Inner Attitude helps to get into a ++ – leadership mode and to recognize when you also move out of this field again. Try it out. It is worth it!


ProMove TM (2021):
Interne Methodenbox zur Befähigung von Transformationen.