20 ticks retaining people to explore their full potential

08.09.2022 13:00 – 14:30 CET
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We all live unconscious ticks in our everyday lives that prevent us from using our full potential.
These ticks prevent us from working well together and supporting each other.

In this workshop you will learn to recognise the most common ticks and the impact they have. 
You will also learn to stop ticks so that you and those around you can make better use of hidden potential. Let the journey begin!

Breakout Sessions (20 minutes)

  1. Build pairs.
  2. Choose the two ticks that hold you back the most from realising your potential. You can also add your own ticks if you think it will help.       
  3. Share with your partner which ticks you have chosen and discuss what effects these ticks have in practice.
  4. What would happen if you just stopped with these ticks?


Goldsmith, Marshall (2009):
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. How Successful People Become Even More Successful. Profile Books.